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Disruptors are rebranding – innovating from the inside out

Over the last six years we have transformed our business, working with government, NGOs and corporations who want to reduce the risk of innovation failure. In this time we have run hackathons with literally thousands of hackers, hipsters, hustlers and humanitarians around the world.

We have helped government organisations like Landcom and UrbanGrowth engage school students to envision a new future for Western Sydney; created a data-driven vision and innovation lab for wellbeing and social impact for NDIS provider New Horizons Enterprises; and worked with future focused Boards and Leadership in the Healthcare, Aviation, Resources, Social Services and Government sectors.

Innovation from the inside out

Most recently, our work as the innovation partner for the Department of Education’s Catalyst Lab Innovation Program is enabling innovation for teachers by teachers.

Increasingly we are innovating from the inside-out.

To more accurately reflect the work we do and the impact we have, we are rebranding. From today, we are DISRUPTORS CO.

It’s not that the handbooks are going away.

Our library of innovation handbooks for disruptors have been updated and are available as part of our ACADEMY offerings. The Academy includes virtual accelerator programs that are perfect for intrapreneurs needing to bring their idea to market within the confines of a corporate or government organisation. And our soon to be launched short courses will provide you and your teams with the skills needed to thrive in an age of disruptive innovation.

For organisations needing to transform their Boards, Leadership and management, our STRATEGY offering provides structured workshop and consulting services that help you drive innovation mindset, process and behaviour change.

And our LABS create the centre of gravity for innovation capacity building within your organisation – ensuring that the innovation investments that you have made have a home and a path to impact and commercialisation.

Be sure to check out our new website at DisruptorsCo.com – and connect with Gavin or Joanne to learn about how we can help you achieve your innovation goals from the inside out.

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