Following the success of 2015’s Qantas Codeshare Hackathon, the 2016 event is now open for applications. Last year’s event was an amazing experience for all involved, from participants, mentors and judges to all the Qantas subject matter experts, sponsors and...
Every conversation, article and blog post about disruption or innovation carries with it a subtext. And that subtext is loaded with fear. Suspicion. Trepidation. All of us – from entrepreneurs and innovators, artists, creatives, small business owners to “captains of...
Hackathons have proven to be a great model for technology companies continue their innovation agenda. By tapping into internal teams and external developer communities, the problem solving capacity of an organisation can increase exponentially. Held usually outside of...
2015 could well have been called the “Year of the Hackathon”. It seemed like every second weekend there was a hackathon of some kind – focusing on fashion, technology, transport, publishing or even health – with the idea of unleashing innovation in a previously...
In our latest Handbook, we explore how to foster innovation with what we call the Distributed Research and Development (‘Distributed R&D’) method. This differs from traditional enterprise oriented R&D, not just because it takes advantage of Lean...