Our thinking + insights
Our thinking + insights
Women’s History Month: Grace Hopper
Grace Hopper was an American mathematician, computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral who is sometimes referred to as ‘Amazing Grace’ because of the breadth of her achievements. Hopper was a pioneer in developing computer technology.
Five Digital Transformations that Deliver Results
We all know the old story - that real business value and ROI isn’t achieved until your technology projects are not only implemented but “adopted” by your business users. And yet, communications, process and change management are often overlooked until digital...
Women’s History Month: Ada Lovelace
Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer who is often considered to be the first computer programmer.
Hackathons in Australia Review 2018
The Disruptor's 'Big List of Hackathons' was started in 2016 as a way to record and track the hackathons happening across Australia. As 2018 is drawing to a close we thought it might be fun to have a look over the list - filled with both past and present hackathons -...
10 Ideas for an Innovation Culture
What does it take to create a culture of innovation? There’s more to it than just words – but they are an important starting point.
Brand Physics – Moving Beyond your Mission and Vision
Brand physics is a new, insightful approach that takes your mission and vision to a whole new level and is a core element of each Disruptors Co accelerator program.
Startup Muster’s 2018 Annual Report
Startup Muster’s 2018 Annual Report dives below the hype of the startup ecosystem to unveil the information about startup founders, business profiles, funding and their future plans. We look particularly at the role, status and focus of female founders.
DH Breakfast Event: Is your Board and Executive Leadership team Fit for the Future?
Yesterday morning we kicked off the first breakfast in our Disruptor’s Breakfast Series where we brought together a select group of people to have a frank conversation about disruption, innovation and transformation. Each month we will tackle a different topic...
Does innovation really pay off?
It is nearly impossible to find a causal relationship between innovation activity and financial or marker performance. The key is not to come up with more ideas - rather to launch products and services that people are willing to pay money for because they think their...
Innovate on purpose
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