Photo credit: Steven Cooper Hackathons are the perfect events to connect business with innovators, designers with developers, and ideas with production. Building on the momentum established from the last collaboration between Qantas and the Disruptor’s Handbook, the...
This week in my classes at UTS, I put up this quote in a lecture on Agile Methodologies and Lean Thinking: As our companies turn into highly focused software organizations, we must change the way we manage them. A continuous learning environment fueled by...
The world is in love with innovation. It’s good for business, and it’s good for the economy. Innovation in business, in particular, is providing organisations with an opportunity to respond to significant change in consumer behaviour, to gather insights...
There’s a curious division of opinion that has emerged about how innovation can be fostered in organisations. The debate is a classic chicken-egg question; when it comes to facilitating innovation in firms, which comes first, idea jamming or analytics? Do you...