Covid19 has inadvertently become a significant catalyst that will reshape the way we work for years to come. Hybrid working and digital communication has become the new normal, and while there are many ongoing debates surrounding productivity, there has not yet been...
Change is hard. You have to learn new things and you don’t get to rely on the processes, metrics and measures that have previously defined your performance. But change can at least be made simpler if you take advantage of newly accessible tools, methods and...
When organisations seek to shift the dial – to really transform the way that teams, individuals and entire divisions work – they turn their attention to change management. And this means strategically combining systemic changes – from processes and...
The pandemic has been a time of unexpected innovation for many organisations. Without warning, the digital transformations that many of us have been championing found new pathways and momentum. Everything from enabling remote work to reimagining customer service was...
Last week I presented at the Peter Vickers Business group event, on the invitation of Denise Archie from Coaching College. I was charged with preparing an overview of innovation trends and coming up with some tools to help build business resilience. Attending were...
There is no doubt that COVID19 has changed the business consulting landscape. Gone are the workshops, whiteboards and post-it notes. Gone are the design thinking group activities and team building exercises like our favourite marshmallow challenge. In their place are...