At the beginning of every year, we turn our attention to the future. We look for the trends and the opportunities, eager to be part of a great wave of success. As a result, we pore through research and trend reports, consume vast quantities of data and often arrive at...
During my recent visit to Copenhagen, I heard neuroscientist, author and speaker, Katarina Gospic, talk about the way that our brain processes data and makes decisions. She explained about the ancient brain – the limbic network that has been slowly developing over...
When we look at startups, we are often surprised at how SMALL they are. One, two and three person teams seem to be able to generate significant output in very short periods of time. Even when we look at our more successful startups – operations like Canva or Atlassian...
I have always known that “build it and they will come” is worse than wishful thinking. I knew it when I built my first, hand-crafted HTML website. I knew it when I started my Servant of Chaos marketing blog. And I knew it when I started my own companies, worked for...
At the recent mentor evening at Telstra’s Muru-D accelerator, we were shocked to realise that we have been working with the Muru-D startups for over two years. Time has flown. Businesses have launched and friendships have been formed. It is a timely reminder that a...
We have always relied on trust networks for recommendations. As a child, I can still recall my Nan talking about new products to her neighbours over a cup of tea. She would talk about the results – the way that a new washing powder makes “whites whiter”. Or how an air...