Over the last three or four years we have hosted some of the most amazing and inspiring hackathon events for our clients and partners. We have focused on customer experience and travel, insurance and healthcare, environment and government policy. We have delivered new...
When we think of innovation – we often think of commercial innovation. New products. Services. Better, faster, cheaper. We think of startups and technology. But rarely do we think of communities. Over the last six months, Disruptor’s Handbook have been...
The modern language of innovation is peppered with teamwork and empathy. We talk of small, agile teams that collaborate. We talk of user centred journeys. User stories. User centred design. And more. We focus our processes around validating our business models with...
There is plenty of interest in social innovation … and while we hear a lot about it (like most forms of innovation), we see precious little in terms of action or movement. We also hear a lot about hackathons and innovation programs, yet see talent, ideas,...
They say that “data is the new oil” – that it is becoming the world’s most valuable resource. For years, policy makers have been capturing data and using it to make decisions – that’s the concept behind the Census. More recently, businesses and social...
We believe: Big challenges require less time to solve than we imagine Teams with focused expertise can create better solutions than committees Together, we have all the resources we need to build, test and scale the solutions to wicked problems The best time to start...