Hackathons can be gruelling events, bringing teams together over a weekend to solve challenging business, social and cultural problems. And this weekend’s PharmHack, the world’s first pharmacy hackathon, is no different. Organised by HealthClick in...
Some business leaders fear the word “disruption” – but other business leaders meet the word and its impact head-on. GE’s Chief Digital Officer, Ganesh Bell, is one of the latter. Over the last couple of years, Ganesh has led the digital transformation of what he calls...
The new building housing Australia’s first Digital Transformation Office at UTS is astounding. The clean lines. Efficiency of movement. It looks and it FEELS like the 21st Century has arrived and that we are living it. There is a murmur of conversation everywhere you...
I keep a keen eye on commentary about business disruption, and I’m concerned that a lot of hyperbole is seeping in to the analysis about what constitutes disruptive innovation, what the impact of disruption may be to companies and employees, and what can be done...
Some say that “corporate startups” are an oxymoron – that you can’t have startups within corporates. But I have been establishing, building and growing these strange, hybrid businesses for well over a decade. I have had the good fortune to launch businesses for...
We need to ask ourselves some serious questions. Why didn’t the best and brightest minds at world’s leading companies invent the next new thing in their industry? Why didn’t one of the TV networks invent Netflix? Why didn’t someone at Hilton create AirBnB? Why didn’t...